Our team member Sven Lito just released a new module for Azure Blob Storage, which you can find at the following address:
var AzureBlobStore = require(‘azure-blob-store’);
var store = new AzureBlobStore({
accountName: process.env.AZURESTORAGEACCOUNT,
accountKey: process.env.AZURESTORAGEACCESSKEY,
container: process.env.AZURESTORAGECONTAINER
});// write to azure
.pipe(store.createWriteStream({ key: ‘somefile.txt’ })); // read from azure
store.createReadStream({ key: ‘somefile.txt’ })
.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(‘/tmp/somefile.txt’));// remove
store.remove({ key: ‘somefile.txt’ }, function(err) {
store.exists({ key: ‘somefile.txt’ }, function(err, exists) {
// exists — if false, blob has been removed
});// exists
store.exists({ key: ‘somefile.txt’ }, function(err, exists) {
// true if blob exists